a few days ago,
bkn day, i can say week
lupe plak bile
i browse profile org
then i saw this pictures
somehow, these pictures make me realise something.

If you think you don't have many friends look at this man
see, kesian kowt. kdg2, kite ade kwn pown kite x appreciate. org tu, kwn ngan anjing je.

If you think you are unhappy, look at them
ok, ini pown kesian. aku x penah hdup dlm keadaan banjir. x de karen pown da nk nangis2. kalau banjir, x tau larh ape jd kat aku nanti.

If you think you suffer in life, do you suffer as much as he does?
ok, this picture might have the biggest impact on me. selame ni, aku fikir, hidup aku sgt2 susah. ntah ape ntah yg susah smpai aku sndri pown x tau. then, seeing this picture i realised that hidup aku x de larh sesusah mane if dibandingkan dgn org lain.

If you think your salary is low, how about her?
ini satu fenomena yg aku sgt x suke. mintak sedekah. tpi, sometimes, kite x tau ape yg ditakdir kan tk kite. tpi, bg aku, x de sape yg ditakdirkan untuk menjadi seorang peminta sedekah. as long as u're in perfect condition, u can still apply for a job. tpi, consider larh kan. die pown bdak kecik. ape je keje yg die boleyh buat.

When you feel like giving up, think of this man
ok, ini pown sedih. tpi hari tu, ade kwn aku tnjuk sorang laki yg lg terok. ketot, tgn x de, due2 belah plak tu. yg tu, sgt terok. but still, he can inspire people. aku sgt salute dgn org tu. aku fkir, if aku ade kat tempat die, mesti aku da give up. aku akn fikir yg lg baik aku mati dari aku hdup mcm tu, tpi die x. die go on living and planning on something bigger which is inspiring people.

If you complain about your transport system, how about them?
they might have complained about their transport system. but, ape yg dieorg boleyh buat? they have to go on living. live with what they have. aku sndri x pernah naik bus, naik teksi pown jrg2. itu pown aku nk complain2 lg sebab uitm x bg students drive. seeing this picture, aku sedar, stakat nk jln dri mahsuri g blok akademik tu, x de larh ape2 sgt banding dgn these people.
bkn day, i can say week
lupe plak bile
i browse profile org
then i saw this pictures
somehow, these pictures make me realise something.

If you think you don't have many friends look at this man
see, kesian kowt. kdg2, kite ade kwn pown kite x appreciate. org tu, kwn ngan anjing je.

If you think you are unhappy, look at them
ok, ini pown kesian. aku x penah hdup dlm keadaan banjir. x de karen pown da nk nangis2. kalau banjir, x tau larh ape jd kat aku nanti.

If you think you suffer in life, do you suffer as much as he does?
ok, this picture might have the biggest impact on me. selame ni, aku fikir, hidup aku sgt2 susah. ntah ape ntah yg susah smpai aku sndri pown x tau. then, seeing this picture i realised that hidup aku x de larh sesusah mane if dibandingkan dgn org lain.

If you think your salary is low, how about her?
ini satu fenomena yg aku sgt x suke. mintak sedekah. tpi, sometimes, kite x tau ape yg ditakdir kan tk kite. tpi, bg aku, x de sape yg ditakdirkan untuk menjadi seorang peminta sedekah. as long as u're in perfect condition, u can still apply for a job. tpi, consider larh kan. die pown bdak kecik. ape je keje yg die boleyh buat.

When you feel like giving up, think of this man
ok, ini pown sedih. tpi hari tu, ade kwn aku tnjuk sorang laki yg lg terok. ketot, tgn x de, due2 belah plak tu. yg tu, sgt terok. but still, he can inspire people. aku sgt salute dgn org tu. aku fkir, if aku ade kat tempat die, mesti aku da give up. aku akn fikir yg lg baik aku mati dari aku hdup mcm tu, tpi die x. die go on living and planning on something bigger which is inspiring people.

If you complain about your transport system, how about them?
they might have complained about their transport system. but, ape yg dieorg boleyh buat? they have to go on living. live with what they have. aku sndri x pernah naik bus, naik teksi pown jrg2. itu pown aku nk complain2 lg sebab uitm x bg students drive. seeing this picture, aku sedar, stakat nk jln dri mahsuri g blok akademik tu, x de larh ape2 sgt banding dgn these people.