well, ive thinking on what to write for my next entry.
then ttbe ade mentol menyale2 dlm kepale otak aku.
baru2 ni aku upload satu gmbr ni dkt my facebook
then, ttbe that picture became like a hot debate
well, only for me, wafa and the pure victim
pure victim=sir murtabak
kesian sir tu
asyik2 jd bahan kiteorg
tpi wlopown asyik jd bahan
kiteorg sbenarnye syg kan die
not that kind of gatal2 pnye syg
he used to be our chemistry teacher
so this is the picture and some statement over those picture and the fact that we called him murtabak.

haha. this is the disastrous picture
then ttbe ade mentol menyale2 dlm kepale otak aku.
baru2 ni aku upload satu gmbr ni dkt my facebook
then, ttbe that picture became like a hot debate
well, only for me, wafa and the pure victim
pure victim=sir murtabak
kesian sir tu
asyik2 jd bahan kiteorg
tpi wlopown asyik jd bahan
kiteorg sbenarnye syg kan die
not that kind of gatal2 pnye syg
he used to be our chemistry teacher
so this is the picture and some statement over those picture and the fact that we called him murtabak.

haha. this is the disastrous picture
Azizul Hakim:aduss.........war is about to begin nw....n surely i lose to these two....waa.......org pakai mask time tu sbb H1N1 la....waa........pls pity me...i beg on u guys....hahaha
Wafa Fawwaz:bhahahhahahha!! sory.. dis is me and hani! ;) hehhe.. tiada belas kasihan............. dkt sir jaa.. ahhahah! weh hani bla ag nih.. hg nk join... kna kn sir nih ckop2.. kui3
Nurhani Mohamad Shukri:haha. aku da smalam. siap merayu2 lg kat ang. jgn paku dia. nmpk nye hes alone. sumpah aku kesian kat sir ni. tpi nk buat mcm mane. mmg die ditakdirkan utk dikenakan oleh kita. haha
Azizul Hakim:hahahahah......best je korang menembak saye...ape dosa saye....waaa.....mintak simpati dr kalian ....waaa.....
Wafa Fawwaz:ahahhhaha!! xpa2 aku kli nih kta paku dy msk2 punya.. biaq la smpai berhari2..ahaha! seyes aku kta... lma2 kritikal trauma sir nih ngn kta.. ahahha! sir..sory laa.. sy kesian ngn sir nih.. btol sir kesian... tp e2 la.. sir dh ditkdirkan jd bahan kmi.. nk wt cm na lgi an? lw x sir.. ngn sir mna lgi kmi leh bhn kn.. hahahha
Azizul Hakim:hahahahha....baguih gila ang punya statement noh.....waaa.........sabar je la....waa......honey......u stop 'bahan'ing me edi ryte....let's 'bahan'ing wafa nw...hehe
Nurhani Mohamad Shukri:hehe. x boleyh. if not, itu dikire berpaling tadah. ape larh sir. ajr sye jd paku dlm selimut plak. hehe. lgpown sir. bkn selalu kiteorg nk bahan sir. bile lg kan.
Wafa Fawwaz:bhahhahahha!! kojaq gla sir hantu toi... cis.. ajq best fren sya bnda jht!!! slamat dy xterpengaruh! cis! kmi ttp nk bhn sir gak..wahahhaha
Nurhani Mohamad Shukri:hehe. serius doe. aku sumpah kesian gle ngan die. tpi nk buat mcm mane? die mmg dtkdir kan utk menjd bahan2 kite. start dgn murtabak. skrang gmbr ni pulak. haha.
Wafa Fawwaz:OMG!!! btol ke ni sir??? cnt believe my eye~ rmbut pacak2 suda hilang maa.. pkai mask nk tutup muka murtabak..tkot patient kna heart attack