New Perspective

New Perspective
Can we fast foward to go down on me?
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Monday, March 15, 2010

Sibuk sane, sibuk sini: Babak 20

hari ni, aku nk ckp pasl bnde gle yg aku buat
biar larh bnde gile itu di rahsiakan
sbb nye: byk maruah yg akan tercemar if org tau pasal ni
it was fun
it was crazy
it was wild
im not looking foward of doing it again
not ever
unless under certain circumtances
x pe
yg lepas biar lepas
x boleyh ulang lg
we learn from experiences
it its wrong, dont repeat it again
if its good, then u can do it many2 time
antara org yg terlibat dlm these crazy thing that weve done

1) Me, Hani

2) Ekin

3) Zafeerah[sori zafeerah, tpi aku x de gmbr ko]

4) Johan.