having to start my day with "someone" calling me BENGAP
it irritates me.
listening to brokencyde-bootycall-

thats brokencyde yo!
ttbe aku interested plak pasal booty call ni
anyway, for your info,
booty call=arranging a meeting for sexual based with the person contacted.
haha. dlm mkne lain, booty call ni,
mcm pelacur/hooker.
kalau aku dgr lgu brokencyde ni
dgr just tuk suke2 je.
jgn ikt diaowg plak.
x baik!
diaowg ni, mcm setan.
sex, drugs, alcohol, suicide & party.
itu je lagu diaowg.
x salah nk kalau nk dgr
yg ptg, we as a muslim,
tau bezakan mane yg baik, mane yg buruk.
it irritates me.
listening to brokencyde-bootycall-

thats brokencyde yo!
ttbe aku interested plak pasal booty call ni
anyway, for your info,
booty call=arranging a meeting for sexual based with the person contacted.
haha. dlm mkne lain, booty call ni,
mcm pelacur/hooker.
kalau aku dgr lgu brokencyde ni
dgr just tuk suke2 je.
jgn ikt diaowg plak.
x baik!
diaowg ni, mcm setan.
sex, drugs, alcohol, suicide & party.
itu je lagu diaowg.
x salah nk kalau nk dgr
yg ptg, we as a muslim,
tau bezakan mane yg baik, mane yg buruk.