New Perspective

New Perspective
Can we fast foward to go down on me?
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sibuk sane, sibuk sini: Babak 32

haha. i just read my last entry. wah2. bahase. kasar nye. ni sume influence Jefree Star lah. asyik nyanyi lagu lollipop luxury je. haha. crap. lagu pun mengarut2 je. wanna see him? wait, aku upload some pix of Jefree Star. im quite sure u are going to be so shocked by just looking at him.

haha. meet mr jefree star. mr or miss. well, i dont know.

ok, being honest. this pictures kinda epic. i love the second one more. haha.

what i like most about jefree star is: his confidence level. tinggi smpai ke langit ke tujuh. i mean, if u can dress up like that and still call urself beautiful. well, i am proud of u. if aku, no way man. aku pakai eye liner tebal skit pun siap cari tisu nk lap. tkt org kate aku over plak.

this dude here loves rap music. and believe this, die penah rap ngan hollywood undead kot. not to forget, he loves gangter rap. darwish, sumpah ni geng hang. suke sgt rap. to be honest, rap is so not my genre. die jugak ade obsessive compulsive disorder. its a mental disorder. Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental disorder characterized by intrusive thought that produce , by repetitive behaviors aimed at reducing anxiety, or by a combination of such thoughts anxiety (obsessions) and behaviors (compulsion). i got this from my unofficial kitab, Wikipedia.

im feeling kinda gay for liking him. aku pun x tau ape lah yg aku nmpk kat Miss Jefree Star ni.

p/s: Quotes of the day:
"Fuck me. Im a celebrity. Cant take ur eyes of me. I make u fuck me just to get somewhere"
wah2! byk gle fuck kat situ. ni kalau mak aku bace ni. mest kene tarik tlinge ni. haha