New Perspective

New Perspective
Can we fast foward to go down on me?
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Sibuk sane, sibuk sini: Babak 16

and penat.
rase mcm nk give up je
otak aku dah mcm nk pecah
byk sgt sumbat ilmu
kwn, terima kasih sbb bg ilmu yg berguna kpd aku
kalau harap aku belajar sorang
mati sial

inspirasi ku di kala aku nk mati kebosanan
inspirasi ku dikala aku perlu kan seseorang tuk hilangkan bosan
inspirasi ku untuk terus belajar mase aku tgh bosan gle
inspirasi ku tuk teros bjge wlopown mate aku da stim gle

p/s: Quotes of the day
"Im here for your entertainment"
Adam Lambert-For Your Entertainment
so if u're bored, find Adam Lambert coz he'll happy to serve you