ok, entry kali ni rare skit. dipenuhi gmbr daus. bukannye banyak sangatpun. 4 je kan. kali ni, aku contribute this entry for daus. daus, thank you for being such a cutie during the last concert. b4 this, im a fan of shahir. im still his fan. but i like you more now. haha.

daus is the second runner up during that night. kire ok lah. sape kate daus x de bakat? adlin, walaupun die x de bakat, hes such a cupcake, so cute and adorable. rase mcm nk cubit2 je pipi die bile die senyum.

ok, this u must do! click on the image and read the interview. hes so innocent. well, at least he looked innocent in my eyes

daus, in the nutshell..
u are so damn cute.