New Perspective

New Perspective
Can we fast foward to go down on me?
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Sibuk sane sibuk sini: Babak 39

Well hello there!

Hmmmmm, this is pretty awkward. I mean, I never updated this blog since forever. I was never a blog person anyway. I got addicted to Facebook for a while, then Twitter. Now I'm just a silent reader on both SNS. 

So many things have changed since 2010(that was when I last updated this blog anyway). I have finished my law degree course, now waiting for my final semester result. Not that I'm excited or anything. Now I'm just praying to Allah, please let me pass all paper, so I can continue with LLB and finish my study as well. This is final year, i have to pass all paper so that i can continue my LLB with my best friends. Well, it is important for me to continue my LLB with my best friends because if not I will be lonely and maybe will not have the motivation to study. My social skills has depleted(not that it was great before though). I cant seem to blend in and find new friends. I will sit at the corner and be the awkward turtle. 

I guess I am more matured now. Well, I have to though! I am 23 years old already. The thing is, my taste in music has changed drastically. I am a K-pop fans now. Ha-ha. I used to hate K-pop so much. To make it worst, my best friends are all K-pop sucker now. Its okay, I guess people change so their taste in music can change too! I can sing Korean songs now, though I surely had no idea what am I singing. To hell with pronunciation. i can sing blablabla and still think I'm cool. Haha.

Its written up there saying that I have been single for 3 years. Well, that is not necessarily true though. I had a very bad relationship before. It was two years ago I think. I do not want to talk about it. I just want to pretend that the relationship does not exist at all. So yeah! I have been single for 3 years 9 months and 5 days. That is pretty long dont you think? It must have been pretty lonely though. Ugh! Sometimes, but not always. See the guy in yellow t-shirt? In the sidebar, i want to regard him as my last ex-boyfriend since i has a non-existence relationship before. I have a boyfriend now though, although it is a delusional boyfriend. Who cares? He was owned by the public, i mean it in a very good way(I am definitely not a sasaeng.) His name is Lee Sungmin, my delusional boyfriend. 

Thats him, thats Lee Sungmin. Sometimes all I want to do is sing 'Isnt She Lovely' (i should change to 'Isnt He Lovely' though) at him 24/7. Except that he did not know me and we never met. Well, I met him once only with other thousands of people. Yup! U guessed it right, he is an IDOL. He is a Super Junior member. Well, thats why hes my delusional boyfriend. Its okay, having a delusional boyfriend can be better that having a normal boyfriend. Normal is boring, right? 

So i guess that is all for today. I was just browsing and then luckily I found my old blog again. Its nothing much. 2 or 3 years later I might be cringing with what I have been writing today. I blabbed because I was bored! Haha. 


P/s: Sasaeng means a very bad fans that follow around your artist and kind of put them in danger. Only Korean sasaeng sometimes put danger in a whole new level though. Its scary!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Sibuk sane sibuk sini: Babak 38

since sekarang bulan puase, so mule lah org nk memperbanyakkan ibadatkn. so, tadi aku pun same lah. kan kite jumpe bulan puase sekali je setahun. tu pun belum tentu lagi taun depan kite jumpe Ramadhan ke x. so, after buke puase, aku pun siap2 la nk g semayang terawih. btw, skrang ni parents aku wajibkan sume org g semayang terawih. so, alang2 aku tetibe teringt cite2 semayang aku waktu dulu.

macam biase, budak2 lagi kan. dulu, time aku kecik2.. ya allah, punye lah susah nk semayang. aku pun x tau kenape. nasib baik mase tu kecik lagi. kire cam accpetable lah jugak kan. banyak cite pasal aku ngan semayang ni. bile tanye je "kakak, da semayang ke?" aku mesti jawab dah. padahal...

gmbr hanya hiasan


Mase sekolah rendah

biase lah dulu. setannye, bukan main. dulu, mase aku sekolah rendah, aku pergi skolah ngan mak aku. biase ah, kecik2 lagi kan. pergi skolah pun x pakai tudung. mandi wajib basahkan rambut. lepas tu, sikat rmbut kemas2. dulu aku x boleh simpan rambut panjang sebab rambut aku susah nk jage. yg mak aku ni pun satu, time2 aku da siap, sikat rambut dengan kacak dan bergaya nya baru tnya aku da semayang ke blom. aku jawab lah belom. dah tu, mengamuk lah mak aku tu. suruh aku g semayang. yg aku pun dengan x rela hatinye g amik air semayang masuk bilik. then mase alam bilik, ade plak setan sekor hasut aku, die kate "x yah semayang, bukan mak kau tau pun" so aku pun ikt lah setan tu. da bajet time cun2 keluar bilik, kate dah semayang dengan confident nye kat mak aku. themn, die bg aku satu pndgan tajam sambil tanye, "kalau dah semayang, kenape rmbt lgsng x terusik. same macam sebelum semayang je" ok, KANTOI seketul.


Mase aku ngan adik aku di KL
ok, mase ni mmg lawak. selalunye if family aku g KL, kiteorg x tdow hotel. kate abah, adik beradik ramai. buat ape nk tdow hotel. membazir. ok, so u are the boss. so slalunye kiteorg akn tdow kat umah Cik Liz(bukan name sebenar) or Mak Njang. so, cite ni jadi mase aku kat umah Cik Liz ok. mase tu, ade arwah tok cak aku. die yg selalu ingtkan kiteorg adk beradik soh semayang. kebetulan mase tu kazen aku pun ade. da die blajar kat skolah agame, die lah jadi imam kan. mse tu, kiteorg da iye2 nk main badminton depan umah die. alih2 arwah ckp, x boleh main kalau x semayang lg. so, ape lg. terkedek2 lah naik ats balik, amik air semayang semayang asar. dah tengah2 semayang tu, ttbe ade plak org main petik2 jari. alah. kacau line betol. last2 sume org x jd semayang sebab main lawan2 petik jari. da habis puas gelak2 kami pun berangkat dengan jaye nye g main badminton. tapi, ttbe didapati bahawa, kiteorg x de shuttlecock. last2 kiteorg amik batu, buat2 jd shuttlecock. dan adk aku, dengan jayenye pukul batu tu dan terpelanting ats kete jiran. ape lg, cabut lari lah sume org.


Mase mengaji di masjid
ingt x dulu. kan ade mengaji petang2 kat masjid. ade ustazah/ustaz mengajar tajwid, sirah,tauhid, feqah n byk lagi lah. aku pun lupe. time ni, ade jugak setan nye. cume maybe kurang lah sikit setan nye tu. dulu2 mase before balik, sume org wajib semayang asar berimam sebab ka da dekat masjid yg kiteorg ngaji tu kan. dlu, punye lah malas aku nk semayang berjemaah, aku selalu buat mcm ni. x de lah selalu sgt ok. kdg2 je. ade due care. 1st, aku aku buat2 period dan tnggu kat belakang je. bile ustazah tanye, aku jwb jelah aku period. then 2nd aku akn tnggu imam tu semayang dulu. mase die nk dekat2 tahiyat akhir baru aku join. kenape? sebab aku pun nk jugak pahale berimam, just malas nk ikt imam sebab kan kdg2 imam suke bace lame2.


Mase semayang terawih baru2 ni.
ok, time ni aku g terawih ngan adk aku, Han(bukan nama sebenar). mak aku x dpt g. alah, pompuan, biase lah. ade mase dilarang utk semayang kn. so aku g lah ngan adk aku 2 org ngan abah. so, biase lah or melayu kan. time awl2 je semangat nk g terawih. ok, ni termasuk aku sekali ok. then aku pun cari lah port betol2 bawah kipas. baik punye. tapi ya tuhan, sempit nye x yah cite lah kan. plus, kipas nye bukan ase sgt pun. ketiak aku peluh2 jugak. so then, bile imam tu semayang, aku pun ikt je lah. ok, kali ni, dk seperti entry di ats ye. aku semayang btol2 ye. so then, mase tahiyat akhir kan sume mcm sempit2. elok2 je habis imam tu bg salam, mak cik sebelah aku pun dengan rakusnye pusing sebalah aku lalu berkata "adik, adik duduk ats kaki mak cik" ok mak cik, i know that. no need to mention.

p/s: aku baru tau knape imam tu trus sujud je mse semayang terawih tdi. sujud sejaddah. buat malu aku je. mati2 aku ingt imam tu lupe nk rukuk. haha

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Sibuk sane, sibuk sini: Babak 37

aku sdar, past entries aku byk gile entries yg emo. no this entry. this entry aku nk story about someone yg aku banyak take for granted. last selase, ade kwn aku dtg lecture ngan muke yg ketat gile. so mcm biase, sbg kwn yg baik, aku ngan sorang lg membe tnye lah knape. then, die bgtau yg die ade msalah family. x pe, nothings perfect kan.. then bile die cerite aku realize yg slame ni, aku ade sorang father yg sgt hebat. seorang abah yg sgt penting kn ank2nye. kalau kwn aku notice, aku hampir menangis mase die cerite masalh die kat aku. bkn sebab aku emo ke ape ke, tapi mse tu aku realize yg walaupun abah x perfect die tetap the best bg aku

antara pengorbanan yg abah selalu buat untuk anak2 die:

1) abah selalu pakai baju murah2 je. padahal ank2 die, jeans kalau 10ringgit mmg x pndng lah

2) shopping bundle? ape barang. tpi abah, beli baju, slack untuk die pakai g keja pun kat bundle je. itu pun b
alik dengan banggenye tunjuk seluar, baju baru die. last2 kene kutuk je ngan ank2 sebab x de klass pakai baju bundle.
3) baju2 abah sume dibeli mase clearence stock. katenye abah x suke pakai baju mahal2. tapi ank2 die baju 39.90. itu pun katenye x cukup mahal.

4) abah kalau lauk tinggal sikit, sanggup die x mkn, aku tau die cover. sebenarnye, abh nk lauk tu tapi die ingt ank2 die x mkn lagi. last2 die ckp ngan mak, x pe.. i mkn telur goreng je pun x pe.

5) dompet abah da brape tahun x tukar. sampai da buruk gile dompetnye. kulit pun da x nmpk mcm kulit. pdhal beg aku baru tali die da buruk sibuk nk beli beg baru. tu pun harge smpai 100 over. brand mest ade. x best lah x de brand padahal abah punye dompet tu da bertahun2 x penah ditukar.
6) abah slalu hntr ank2 die g mane2. tanggungjawab die katenye. dulu aku nk mkn pizza ngan membe aku kat cs wktu mlm pun sibuk2 je nk hntr aku. katenye pompuan ni bahaye kalau nk keluar malam. last2 abah jugak lah yg kene hantr aku, kena amik aku.

sekarang aku janji aku akn lebih treasure abah dari dulu. aku x kn wish for another father sebab he the best. maybe hes not a perfect father after all, but yes! he is the best for me.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Sibuk sane, sibuk sini: Babak 36

ok, i hate myself for doing what i've done
clearly, thats not a mistake.
that's stupid
the most stupid thing that i have done.
can i just killed myself
ok, thats stupid too
killing myself is not the answer to my stupidness
it shows and prove that i am stupid
ok, what about killing him
sorry, i just have to kill u to make me feel batter
see u in hell!
im not going to hell
im just going to see u from heaven
smiling but my heart is crying

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Sibuk sane sibuk sini: Babak 35

Can i have him? please.. pleasee.. i'll do anything.. vic, do u mind be my lover? haha. ok2. start lg. ok! aku admit. aku mmg suke berangan. tambah2 lagi dengan mamat ni.. can i have your babies? lets get married.. haha. vic, u nk tau? i suke gle2 ah ngan u. i penah mimpi u tau! tapi i lupe i mimpi ape mse tu. x penting kan? u suke i jugak x? tlg lah ckp u suke i. kalau x, mane i nk letak muke i? kat bawah tilam ke, kat bawah bantal kah? ke kat bawah meja study i yg panas gle2 ni? x pe vic, as long as cinte i untuk u ikhlas, i know u akn terime i one day. promise? =p

baby, baby.. baby comellah.. nk jadi mcm baby jugak. berak org basuh, mkn org suap. malam2 nangis pun x de sape marah. da besar x best. sume kene buat sendri. assignment lagi. nk kene cari bukti lah, figures lah. adui. x pe miss, i promise i'll do that later. let me enjoy the time where im dreaming of having these cute babies. eh! nk twins jugak! mane nk cari husband yg ade genetic twin ni? anyway, mase pnjng lg. harus tingkatkan usaha. dimana ada kemahuan di situ ada jalan. kn?

anyway, just for reminder, im not hani lagi. im TIARA now.haha. sengal gile. whatever. as TIARA i've done something that Hani would never do! go TIARA go. haha

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Sibuk sane, sibuk sini: Babak 34

Lyrics to Beauty In The Eyes Of The Beholder :

Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God where do I run?
Your message holds true though we fall short

We're all trying to let ourselves know the secrets, they give us the hope
We've recognized and realized these voices will tell us where to go

Bring your love down Father, I'm giving You my shield and my sword
So that You can guide me

Too many times I've tried
But the ever so inviting say
Take a hold of me
Not now, not tonight

Ask me please, these questions that I answer desperately,
In search of something more
The memories of my past I can't seem to overcome, to overcome
But millions upon millions seem to forget, Your love is real
Not the ways of the world
Your love is so real
Your love is so real

And I will open my ears, and I will open my heart
Just to hear what You want me to hear [2x]

And incline Your ear to my ear [4x]

OH GOD, we were wrong [4x]

Incline Your ear to my ear

Monday, May 24, 2010

Sibuk sane, sibuk sini: Babak 33

ok, entry kali ni rare skit. dipenuhi gmbr daus. bukannye banyak sangatpun. 4 je kan. kali ni, aku contribute this entry for daus. daus, thank you for being such a cutie during the last concert. b4 this, im a fan of shahir. im still his fan. but i like you more now. haha.

daus is the second runner up during that night. kire ok lah. sape kate daus x de bakat? adlin, walaupun die x de bakat, hes such a cupcake, so cute and adorable. rase mcm nk cubit2 je pipi die bile die senyum.

ok, this u must do! click on the image and read the interview. hes so innocent. well, at least he looked innocent in my eyes

daus, in the nutshell..

u are so damn cute.